
Draw one card a day and leave it on a city bus, face
down in a window or hidden corner, without being noticed,
until there are no cards left.

Bus Pass (2023) is an ongoing public dissemination project where tarot cards, reimagined with transmasculine figures from history, are left on public transit. The cards, which have a shimmering lamination, are placed face down in corners and crevices of busses where passengers might see them sparkle and draw the card as one would in a divinatory act.
This project was inspired by Pamela Colman Smith’s insertion of her gender-non-conforming female friends into the male archetypes of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck. These cards are distributed as a way of amplifying the integral role transmascs have had in the creation of the tarot and of the world, known and unknown.